Lost in thoughts


Entries from 2022-04-01 to 1 month

Kelleigh Bannen - Happy Birthday 和訳

Did you get to sleep in?Did your grandmother send you a card?With a 20 in it?Did your boss say 30 is old?Did your nephew sing on the phone?You'll either pick up or you won't ゆっくり眠れた? お婆ちゃんはおこづかい付きのバースデーカード送っ…

Kyle Sparkman - Funk215

Oh no, another day goes by where I just can't get aroundAnother day goes by with my face flat on the groundAnother day goes by I tried I'm looking down ああ、うまくやれずに一日が過ぎる また一日が過ぎる、顔から地面に突っ伏しながら 日々は過…